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skills Tournament

skills tournament PNG.PNG

Join us on December 19, from 9AM-4PM PST and compete in our free skills tournament.

Tournament Details

This is the perfect opportunity for middle school and novice high school debaters to improve their skills in a free, low-stakes environment that does not require prep.


The tournament will be given in 1-on-1 impromptu format.

Topics will be given to participants prior to rounds, and each participant will have exactly 20 minutes to prepare. Times can be found on our tournament invitation.


Please see our tournament invitation for more information.


9:00-10:15: R1
10:15-11:30: R2
11:30-1:00: Lunch
1:00-2:15: R3
2:15-3:30: R4
3:30-3:45: Break
3:45-4:00: Awards



as always, please do not hesitate to email with any questions. 


Q: How much debate experience is required for this tournament?

This tournament is designed for middle school and novice high school debaters. 


Q: Do I get anything for winning?

Beyond bragging rights? Yes!

1st place debater and speaker: $5 gift card

2nd and 3rd place debaters and speakers: debate gift bag (timers, pens, etc...). 


Q: When is the registration deadline?

Registration, including BOTH the Tabroom and Google Forms components, is due 11:59PM on 12/15.


Q: Where will the tournament be held?

This skills tournament will be held via Zoom, so debaters from anywhere are welcome to participate. the Zoom link and Tabroom information will be sent out to registrants prior to the tournament.


Q: Will I be able to debate with a partner?

Since this tournament will be held in IPDA style, each round will be debated 1v1. 

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